Trojans, Loggers, and Spyware

I need help! I have a computer which I've been trying to rid of virus, trojans, loggers, etc. There is one logger which won't go away, Logger.Zbot.aor. When I scan with Ewido it says that there was an error during cleaning. The desktop has also been hijacked with a screen that says you have spyware, click here to remove them. Also, I think I was able to rid the bugs that would run all over the screen after start up. I'm running another machine to send this e-mail, but Kasperskp won't let me load the HJT file due to a Trogan-Exploit.HTML.Mht virus. What am I suppose to do?


  • edited May 2008
    Hello gotdatya,

    I can tell by what you posted here your choices on repairs have left your system unbootable now. And it looks like kryyst has provided just the right solutions as well, so you can continue with the work you all are doing instead of anything we could do here. Should you complete the Repair process we might need to revisit here after, as some of the malware will likely survive the transition.
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