I'm looking to place a village as a half way point between two of my current ones to make quick support less of a problem- But I don't know how to work it out/find the square. Anyone know of a method?
I'm looking to place a village as a half way point between two of my current ones to make quick support less of a problem- But I don't know how to work it out/find the square. Anyone know of a method?
give me yer co-ords and I can do it for you? (or use pythagoras' theorem)
Between Resolve (-75|289) and Haven City (-185|33)
-110/256 (it is simply half way between both the x & y co-ords) and, if it helps any... yer 2 at the moment are 278 squares apart and yer new one would be 139 squares from each (give or take a decimal or two)
Haha, Thanks SillyViking I never was good at maths... My exam for that is soon too... yay ¬_¬
Good luck with that.. what level you studying at? If there is anything specific yer struggling with gimme a yell (also I believe Muffin is pretty good on it too)
Hah, I can do maths just not the higher end stuff. I know enough for physics Trust me, if I didn't have a serious grudge against maths I'd be taking that too :togue:
Hmmm, when I send resources to Enraged (the middle village) from Haven it takes almost 4 hours but when I send them from Resolve it takes about 40 minutes.
Hmmm, when I send resources to Enraged (the middle village) from Haven it takes almost 4 hours but when I send them from Resolve it takes about 40 minutes.
how much you wanna kill me? BAD place for typo - I just found piece of paper I wrote it on to tell you ...... was SUPPOSED to say (-110/161) ...... 256 was the difference of the y - co-ords
give me yer co-ords and I can do it for you? (or use pythagoras' theorem)
-110/256 (it is simply half way between both the x & y co-ords) and, if it helps any... yer 2 at the moment are 278 squares apart and yer new one would be 139 squares from each (give or take a decimal or two)
Good luck with that.. what level you studying at? If there is anything specific yer struggling with gimme a yell (also I believe Muffin is pretty good on it too)
Cool I (vaguely) remember doing my 'O' Levels... my eldest is just about to do her last lot of SATS before she starts on her GCSE's next year...
and I am currently doing maths & physics degrees... allegedly, but Travian seems soooo much more fun than Newtonian Laws
Then you will DEF need the maths!!
As a proud mother he got 100% in first module in his computing A'Level. And did very well in both Maths and Physics. Keep it up Micky
how much you wanna kill me? BAD place for typo - I just found piece of paper I wrote it on to tell you ...... was SUPPOSED to say (-110/161) ...... 256 was the difference of the y - co-ords
better luck next time...?