So.. I finally caved and bought a 360
Yes, I realise I am a milllenium behind the times but I just don't have the time at the moment for PC upgrades and planning. I took the easy option and bought a 2nd XBOX360 off a work mate of mine. So far so good (I will admit I have only played GTA4, which is why I craved anyway)... even using it as a media streamer (funky actually).
Just one question.. has anyone figured out how to get media content to it. I know it comes with some pre-installed but I do think that's a bit pointless if you can't copy other stuff to it? Anyone
I also have an XBOX gamertag now... S8NFTW
Just one question.. has anyone figured out how to get media content to it. I know it comes with some pre-installed but I do think that's a bit pointless if you can't copy other stuff to it? Anyone
I also have an XBOX gamertag now... S8NFTW
ya, stick with TF2 on PC for now shorty:bigggrin:
Welcome to the 360 club (again), i'll add your gamertag and we'll have a few
I think I still need to get a HD TV yet! Ahhhhh I shouldn't be spending any money either at the moment :bawling:
Head on over to and buy yourself a secondhand 42" plasma for around £350-400 and you're sorted. :bigggrin:
Yeah, GTA4 FTW!
Wobbled a bit on the HDTV a bit more. Found a Panasonic Viera 42" plasma for £600. Tempting as hell!
Also, those 360 dvd drive firmwares are very easy to flash
Gorgeous picture and wow does the 360 look good! I also hooked my laptop up to it for fun.. mmmmmm mmmm that's awesome!