Another webshow site is closing.

Over the past 3 years I've occasionally stopped in at to see what's new, but I went there today, and I saw a notice saying the site will close at the end of the year.
Not a big deal to most people, but I see all the originators of the webshow genre leaving the business, and not enough new shows replacing them.
I only know of 3 shows currently in production, and mine is one of them. Then there's , and some guy out in California at . But those Alex Duffy shows are so long that they're really tough to sit through, at least for me.
I can remember back in the mid 90's, when all this webshow / webcast stuff was an amazing new technology, but we seem to have lost our way. With all the computer people out there, you'd think that surely there'd be more people interested in doing it.
Seems like a big loss, at least to me.
Not a big deal to most people, but I see all the originators of the webshow genre leaving the business, and not enough new shows replacing them.
I only know of 3 shows currently in production, and mine is one of them. Then there's , and some guy out in California at . But those Alex Duffy shows are so long that they're really tough to sit through, at least for me.
I can remember back in the mid 90's, when all this webshow / webcast stuff was an amazing new technology, but we seem to have lost our way. With all the computer people out there, you'd think that surely there'd be more people interested in doing it.
Seems like a big loss, at least to me.
The interactive entertainment a computer offers, most people feel is superior to the passive entertainment of a television.
I know that I personally dislike shows, be it TV or the web.
The biggest turn-off for web broadcasts for me has been the abysmal quality when compared to a properly-tuned antennae-powered TV, and the fact that when the load on the show increases, it has to spend considerable time buffering, which ruins the experience.
And to be honest, web broadcasts just don't offer the variety that a television does. People hate the idea of being locked into something that can't be changed, and the only option is on or off.
Web shows are just that; you either watch it or you don't. The programming is the same person, it's not a static entity.
wouldn't that be the case that it IS a static entity? Always the same person?