Mirror's Edge trailer posted

Mirror's Edge looks to have taken some cues from Portal and Assassin's Creed. The trailer makes the game seem clean, immersive, and pretty intense. I haven't heard too much about the game yet, except that it is heavily influenced by parkour. Ostensibly, you play a courier. What you are delivering and to whom is mysterious at this point, but does it really matter? Check out the video!
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See also: "Beyond Good and Evil"
Mirrors Edge looks promising. I really like the style and it's (hopefully) high level of immersion. They've got cool mechanics down, lets just hope they make it fun and constricted. I'll be buying this for PC, but here's to hoping it doesn't suffer from consoleitis like so many other cross platform releases.
One of my all-time favs. I own 2 copies of it and played through it close to 10 times.
I was thinking the same thing weezer...
Makes it too simple.
Innstead of it being 'k, wall there, pole there, gap there, guy there. If i jump off the wall, swing around the pole, jump the gap, and roundhouse kick the guy on the way down. im good."
The red means its more like 'OMG FOLLOW THE RED PAINTED ROAD!!!!!"
This is the coolest gameplay footage ive seen.
BTW this is a complete knock off of Matrix
Supposedly it only starts out like that as a kind of training wheels thing - the further you get into the game, the less and less red you see, and you get to start picking your own path out.
Stranglehold was a joke compared to any of these games (Assassin's, Mirror's, etc). Being able to slide over any flat surface and engage bullet time is cute, but it's nowhere near the level of immersion and movability of AC and ME.
Weezer, you can bum a copy if you want. PS2 or PC, take your pic. I can also bring the disks to the LAN if anyones interested, but seriously, it's worth 9 bucks. And that 9 bucks JUST may help sway Ubisoft into finally green-lighting a sequel.