trying to flash bios on Rosewill sata card

I recently purchased a Rosewill RC-209-EX 4 port sata 150 card. I'm trying to use it with only my Lite-On LH29A1L sata dvd burner. The problem is that the chip is set up for StatRaid5 and I would like to flash it with base bios to a non-raid state. I'm using XP Pro and there doesn't seem to be a tab in device manager for flashing the bios. I've tried the dos updflash only to get stuck at the "STARTING FLASH MEMORY (0-7FFFF(hex))" looking for a page? I took the card out to read the chip EN29LV040A. I've got the right base bios and driver. The motherboard is an Asus P4G8X Deluxe.
Make sure you have the non raid (base) bios. there are usually 3 versaons of each bios. rxxxx.bin Raid bios bxxxx.bin Base or non raid. The 3rd bios is used in conjunction with a motherboard based 3114 controler. The card you have is most likely based on a Silicon image 3114 chip. You want the base bios for a pic add on card. Also there are different versions of updflash. It will usually warn you if it is not compatable.
Silicone Image recently changer their support policy and no longer supports the 3114 family
Hope this helps