Is there a "computer powers on" log?
Hollywood, FL.
^ Title ^
I live with someone who I banned entirely from using the computer for good reasons. Anyway, I've recently changed the admin password and my own. I regularly check the USB ports for any portable drives that may contain keyloggers and such. I do the same when I run my anti-virus software. Anyway, back to point, I would like to know if there is a log hidden somewhere on the computer that will show me days and times the computer powers on.
I live with someone who I banned entirely from using the computer for good reasons. Anyway, I've recently changed the admin password and my own. I regularly check the USB ports for any portable drives that may contain keyloggers and such. I do the same when I run my anti-virus software. Anyway, back to point, I would like to know if there is a log hidden somewhere on the computer that will show me days and times the computer powers on.
If it's windows the event logs show when the system was last started. Not directly,mind you, but there will be a whole bunch of entries when services started and such. Which OS?
echo %time%, %date% >>c:\start.log
Then put a shortcut to start.bat in your Start Up folder and everytime your computer boots into windows it'll add the time and date to that log file.
kryyst: Thanks for that. Is that all to be put in one line? Or is it a new line after each comma?