We can keep an eye open for GoDsenD and Peleus. Those are the two I despise. I would not suggest we go out of our way... If we see that he is molesting people around him... maybe offer assistance to his victims to stun him with killer defense!!!
Haha what better way to annoy Godsend than to put iron spikes in his food?
Haha, as nice as that is, we will not be playing NEARLY as defensive this time around if I have anything to say about it... A good defense is awesome, especially if coordinated right. But nothing beats a simple kick to the face with a superior army. And nothing prevents further attacks more than a wave of catas to level your village...
Haha what better way to annoy Godsend than to put iron spikes in his food?
Nuff said!!!
Haha, as nice as that is, we will not be playing NEARLY as defensive this time around if I have anything to say about it... A good defense is awesome, especially if coordinated right. But nothing beats a simple kick to the face with a superior army. And nothing prevents further attacks more than a wave of catas to level your village...