Good PS3 games?
Im picking up a ps3 and was wondering what games i should get with it. so far i have rock band, gh3, gta4, and skate. any other games that are really good i should look for? console exclusive please, if it is on pc ill usually play it there first.
Echochrome is awesome!
2. Heavenly Sword
And quite honestly thats really all I have found worth buying. MGS4 is supposed to be badass, but not out yet.
edit// I also have xbox 360s on which I play all the non-exclusives like madden and gta4. I have a couple of modded 360s though, so its a huge cash saver for me.
the bourne game is greater than the sum of its parts, i played the demo for 360 and found it to be quite refreshing from the normal beat em up or tps.