Folks with Folding clients on Dialup, take note.

Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
edited December 2003 in Folding@Home
I have had problems with turning in WUs from my Windows\Dialup box for over a week. It looks like, from a server log crawl done many times, that the primary assignment server is being used also to point to servers within the network for results acceptance. The P4\Linux box is turning WUs, but the Windows\Barton box seems to be using time frames when the assignment server is overloaded and the Linux box is almost always trying to turn in every other WU at times when the primarily loaded assignment server is overloaded with connect attempts. I have put the Windows box on ASK before turnin in the graphical client config\connect dialog. This will let me manually turnin WUs in time frames that are not in the range of 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM at Folding's PDT time zone, which for those of you in other time zones is GMT\CUT\UDT\ZULU -8 hours (my logs for clients are in GMT time, so connects show as 8 hours LATER than folding shows for their server logs as thier logs are stamped with PDT time).This appears to be the time frame when the primary assignment routing server is coping with 1.5 to 2 times the number of result turnin rerquests that it can cope with over the past 5-7 days.

Note, this turnin failure has happened with the stable Windows graphical client, and version Pre1 and Pre2 beta of 4.00 client being deved, and gotten worse over the last ten days for me-- right now, over half the turnins of WUs on the Widnows box have been attempted in this time frame and failed at least once, today I could not connect over 4 hours and it si not the ISP I use for fialup's fault, I can see modem connect and talk to folding becuase I know what the modem lights mean and have looked at my modem logs also and modedm says it is connected and shows data throughput in small amounts typical of a busy server on the other end of a long-line web connect. I have posted in folding's forums and PM'd Vijay Pande of Pande Group, so this is an FYI of times to avoid if you have turnin problems with any client of version 3.24 or up if that is possible to do for you. Only thing we each can do is to help by avoiding the time frames I noted and reduce peak load by spreading load to other times, right now, when we each CAN do so. I will be doing this also.



  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited December 2003
    Have you tried running another client as a backup? You can run a genome at a lower priority so the main client gets all the CPU cycles but when it cant connect the genome can kick in. That way you will always be folding. Or you could run to clients at equal priority since it will finish WUs on time.

    Sometimes the client needs to be restarted even if it does make the modem connect. Somehow it still cant get out evne tho a connection is there. A restart of the client usually works.
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