A suggestion for accepting new members

SaracenSaracen At the puter !
edited May 2008 in Gaming
As you all know my lad has moved onto [ONE]L but part of his acceptance into [ONE] was the requirement for a senior member to sit his account to take a look at his setup ensuring he wasn't misleading them. Also its a way of ensuring they have a good idea of what they're doing ie. not building Treasure Chambers and other wasteful things.

Could we/should we apply something similar for acceptance into {IC}

Any thoughts or views ?


  • edited May 2008
    [ONE] are a very organized alliance. its a good idea and i think we should do it.
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited May 2008
    If I doubt people are good enough, I usually sit for them, I had to do it to get into CDT on s5, they're among the server's giants.

    I'll put this into practise.

    There's also someone claiming to have been in our alliance before, but I'm not sure he's being truthful...

    And Colly has invited a few of his friends along, I've had to turn one or two away as they're just not up to any standard acceptable to {IC}
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