I'm looking at getting involved in a COD4 league and need a team. I have considered apping to an established team but was wondering if we have enough interest in house to start an {IC}Team......just a thought.
Most Leagues are free or very cheap. I'll foot the cost of any league as long as it's nominal. If I can get my little bros. pc fixed he'll most likely join us too
If you want an invite to the clan (for purposes of seeing one another), post up your xfire name. I'm going to give gates membership addition privileges to make it faster.
I play quite regularly (although not at competition level). I would love to join you, but ping and time differences might be an issue, worth a try though Xfire is same as always: broady81 (original I know)
you know, I didn't even think of "wild flavors" when I was signing up. didn't even cross my mind to consider it, I guess "sharkydart" is etched in permanently. only on rare occasion do I feel like alias'ing
Hi <o>:p></o>:p> You have done a good question, it’s really interesting. If you get any good reply, so please let me know. So I’ll also get some good idea. <o>:p></o>:p> Thanks for your future help.<o>:p></o>:p>
//edit: they need a way to add buddies and find servers buddies are connected to.
Whichever one tracks down bunny-hoppers, drives to their house, breaks in, and beats them to death with a trackball... and has free membership.
I'll check out this 'xfire' you speak of.
I play it on the 360 nonstop but my XBL subscription ran out
buy it on steam!
Not 'Wild Flavors'?
You took the words right out of my mouth.