Closing external programs in matlab
Hello all,
I would like to ask for help from anyone who know hows to close external programs from matlab. so far this is what I can do:
1.) I open abaqus through matlab and run my file,
2.) I would like to plot graphs in matlab from the results I output from the simulation. (yes, i know abaqus has graph plot function)
This is what i would like to have help with:
3.) I would like matlab to wait until abaqus has finished simulation and then close abaqus and continue with the rest of my M.file.
I cannot use " e = actxserver(" ".application)" >> e.Quit; e.delete; as abaqus is not a windows office based application. I tried it none the less but didn't work.
Any help with this would be extremely grateful as I am starting to panic a bit, have been stuck on this for a day now! any advice/help welcome. thanks in advance!
Best regards,
I would like to ask for help from anyone who know hows to close external programs from matlab. so far this is what I can do:
1.) I open abaqus through matlab and run my file,
2.) I would like to plot graphs in matlab from the results I output from the simulation. (yes, i know abaqus has graph plot function)
This is what i would like to have help with:
3.) I would like matlab to wait until abaqus has finished simulation and then close abaqus and continue with the rest of my M.file.
I cannot use " e = actxserver(" ".application)" >> e.Quit; e.delete; as abaqus is not a windows office based application. I tried it none the less but didn't work.
Any help with this would be extremely grateful as I am starting to panic a bit, have been stuck on this for a day now! any advice/help welcome. thanks in advance!
Best regards,
should execute whatever 'command' you give it. type:
help system
for more info.