Teamspeak for fun!

edited June 2008 in Gaming
Just in case any of you are interested, I will be hosting a 50 cap Teamspeak server for the benefit of Travian. Understandably, most of you can't even make it into IRC. But I figured maybe some of you are the audible type, so it can't hurt to try.

The server address and password are listed below for your reference. Please feel free to stop in any time even if just to listen to others, as some of you may not have microphones. I myself will be logged into the server whenever I am home. Enjoy!

You can get Teamspeak Here -
Click on TeamSpeak 2 Client

Server address -

Server Password - ictrousers


  • edited June 2008
    Oh, also in case some of you have never used Teamspeak before, you can log into it with close to the same method as IRC. The difference is you need a server password. You can log in with any username you want that is not currently taken, by logging in as "anonymous".
  • edited June 2008
    Very awesome idea.

    I'm trying to connect right now, but I'm getting an error
  • edited June 2008
    Ah yes, that is because I am stupid and I forgot a very important part of the address. Please reread my first post for the change...
  • edited June 2008
    BUMP! Even if you guys don't have a mic, download Teamspeak and set it up. It can't hurt to have another method of communication. :-D
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