<TABLE class=f10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=440 background=img/uk/msg/block_bg22.gif><TBODY><TR><TD width=86 rowSpan=2></TD><TD width=230 background=img/uk/msg/underline.gif>Frey</TD><TD class=right width=100>06/08/08</TD><TD width=12></TD></TR><TR><TD width=12></TD><TD width=230 background=img/uk/msg/underline.gif>no subject</TD><TD class=right width=100>06:56:57</TD><TD width=12></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=5>
</TD></TR><TR><TD width=12></TD><TD vAlign=top background=img/uk/msg/underline.gif colSpan=3>Stop raiding me, if you whant to live...
It's on you...
Good luck...
zomg halp T.T
</TD></TR><TR><TD width=12></TD><TD vAlign=top background=img/uk/msg/underline.gif colSpan=3>Stop raiding me, if you whant to live...
It's on you...
Good luck...
zomg halp T.T
You didnt mention the raping of his alliance tho
People only threaten you if they're bluffing, or have a large friend.
I ask anyone they claim to be friends with, if they're too big for me, and then if it's a total bluff, attack.
In this case, I'd attack several times a day, just to be mean
EDIT: This guy threatened me a while ago, then moved on to pleading etc...