I think we need to set up a map rotation that we like. The reason that we seem to play the same maps over and over is because there are some standard maps, like Well, that people seem to like little enough that when we see them, we change to a map we know we like, like Gold Rush. Unfortunately, this means that we rarely play the maps that we like, but which are not favorites.
Congratulations to our winning team with the Bucket.
Thanks for joining in this year, everyone. I realize we had a few technical difficulties and we were pressed for time. I hope you all had fun despite these glitches. We are already working on next year's event to make it run more smoothly and to provide all you geniuses with a higher level of challenge.
Pretty intense convo in that camp
We roll deep.
I'm in.
I can't stand it when you're so judgmental like that! It's like I don't even know you anymore!
Also: CB, wtf are you talking about.
You and me both. I've probably received almost as many threats as you have
(On a side note, I would love to partake in the above mention events to which this thread pertains.)
What he said.
Thanks for joining in this year, everyone. I realize we had a few technical difficulties and we were pressed for time. I hope you all had fun despite these glitches. We are already working on next year's event to make it run more smoothly and to provide all you geniuses with a higher level of challenge.