Village conflict with [ONE] player
i'll just copy/paste our IGM so far as it explains the situation in its entirety so far...
subject: why are you in this 7x7
sender: heart
One can only assume he's planning to take the 15c I had my sights locked on...
subject: why are you in this 7x7
sender: heart
Your village had not yet been created when I sent my settlers out, so i suppose you could call it a mistake. My wing of the alliance has had plans to form clusters all around this area of the map, and i guess our respective plans just fell into the same 7x7. I'll ask my leaders what I should do at this point... Please hold.
heart wrote:
as agreed with arrse no arrse player will set up a village in a 7x7 occupied with a [ONE] player, if this is a geniue mistake then fine.
One can only assume he's planning to take the 15c I had my sights locked on...
But I think the general law of life 'I was there first' would come into play...
Yeah, I know. What were the chances? :o
But how do I go about getting my village destoryed?
Don't think he could as we have a NAP with them. FF
NAP's mean s*** as far as the FF rules are concerned.
They're more of a gentleman's promise, but hold nothing that a MH can do.
It's fine. My resource production is pretty high now so it's not a problem at all.
<table> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> <td>Wood:</td> <td align="right">2682 </td> <td>per hour</td></tr> <tr> <td></td> <td>Clay:</td> <td align="right">2682 </td> <td>per hour</td></tr> <tr> <td></td> <td>Iron:</td> <td align="right">2160 </td> <td>per hour</td></tr> <tr> <td></td> <td>Wheat:</td> <td align="right">1260 </td> <td>per hour</td></tr></tbody></table>
From this post, 15hours :13 minutes :53 seconds until the catapults start hitting.
ANY time, matey, good luck in the new homestead