One of my boxes will be down insofar as turnins,
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
For one week about, I have been talking to folding admins and they have no idea what is happening but the dialup windows box can reliably receive, complete, and not turn in WUs. So, I will need to source and install and configure a broadband gateway router with a NAT firewall. I will have wait until after the 17th to order it, so any folks with experience with routers might speak up as to what they most like for a very small number of boxes that are fast. say two-three online at any one time max for next 9 months or so. I do not need a wireless gateway\router, and if all boxes are online on broadband. meanwhile, expect my folding to halve as far as points, though the windows box will accumulate as many completes as it can handle in its queue (looks like 8 completes, for safety). Then I will shut it down until the router is in and tested up and functional so the client can turn in a queue full of completes without erroring out and dumping complete WUs which do folding no good. ETA uptime, 3 weeks and I will have two folding boxes on broadband, both over 1.8 GHz true speed.
I have a 4 port D-Link router here next to me that you can have for $35 shipped.