Need help with ATI 2400pro issues

Byron172Byron172 Adelaide, South Australia Member
edited June 2008 in Hardware
I have had an ATI Radeon HD 2400pro installed for almost a year now without any issues, however recently I have been delving into Video apllications and have been running into some issues (which I believe are related to this card or codec's). I have tried researching this but due to my limited understanding and lack of info on the web I am hoping someone might be able to help......:)

Firstly, the error message from Vista (running Vista Ultimate on one partition and XP on the other) is always related to "atimcenc.dll" which I understand is related to a component of ATI Media Centre. I have searched for the file but cannot find it and I don't seem to have ATI Media Centre on my PC. (This could be the problem perhaps).......

Secondly, the problem arises when I try to run videos within Windows Media Centre and sometimes Windows Media Player. It also happens when I try to use Windows Movie Maker.

Thirdly, I recently installed "Media Portal" on my XP partition and when I first tried running it the application crashed every time until I re-installed. Once reinstalled it crashed once more but now seems to be up and running OK.....I am only mentioning this in case it is related, but have no idea if the ATI card caused it because obviously XP has a different error reporting procedure.

I have updated the drivers for my card from ATI website and was going to attempt to rename the dll file to "atimcenc.dll.old" to see if that would help but, as I said, I couldn't find the file.......(just realised that I didn't search hidden files though so might need to do that when I get home). But if anyone else has any ideas I would welcome the advice????

Hope to hear back from anyone, it's been a while since I last visited, hope everyone is doing good...........:cheers:


  • Byron172Byron172 Adelaide, South Australia Member
    edited June 2008
    OK - I think I might have put this in the wrong section, maybe Drivers & Software might have been the better section. Anyways, have gone ahead and reinstalled Vista because nothing I tried worked. It must be a codec issue.......I reinstalled all my programs one by one checking for when the problem would start and it seems to be related to Nero 8 and ATI Media Centre. (More specifically the "atimcenc.dll" file). I found it (it was a hidden file) and renamed it "atimcenc.dll.old" and this seems to have done the trick (fingers crossed). Hope this helps anyone else who might have the same issue........
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