
NEW Nvidia Forceware Drivers 53.04/53.03

edited December 2003 in Science & Tech
New drivers have been released for Nvidia based graphics cards today. The Windows XP/2000 driver release is labelled 53.03 and the Windows 98/ME version is 53.04.

[blockquote]Whats New:
-Improved HDTV component exits Y Pr Pb for 480i, 480p, 720p and 1080i
-Accelerated performance with GeForce GPUs on nForce3 were based systems
[blockquote]While the 53.0X drivers were available from, I believe the EVGA site previously, this time the Nvidia drivers have the blessing of Microsoft with its WHQL scheme.
I have every reason to believe that Nvidia might shine again in 3Dmark03 -- at least that’s what I expect since there is always a work around for the current 340 patch if Nvidia wants to go down that road one more time.
Links: [link=http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13098]Read more[/link]
Download: [link=ftp://download1.nvidia.com/Windows/53.03/53.03_winxp2k_english_whql.exe]53.03 for W2K/XP WHQL[/link] (8.38MB) [link=ftp://download1.nvidia.com/Windows/53.04/53.04_win9x_english.exe]53.04 for Win98/ME[/link] (7.91MB)
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