This may be the coolest puzzle game ever.
Each puzzle (of the block pushing/switch pulling variety) requires multiple characters to solve, but you're just one little robot with a time machine, which means you have to to what needs to be done in each level for your future self (or selves) to solve the puzzle after you return to your TARDIS and go back to point in time you started.. Just don't do anything to get one of your past selves stuck somewhere away from the machine. Paradoxes are bad.
This may be the coolest puzzle game ever.
Each puzzle (of the block pushing/switch pulling variety) requires multiple characters to solve, but you're just one little robot with a time machine, which means you have to to what needs to be done in each level for your future self (or selves) to solve the puzzle after you return to your TARDIS and go back to point in time you started.. Just don't do anything to get one of your past selves stuck somewhere away from the machine. Paradoxes are bad.