Can't ((Reinstall Windows Or Linux!)) Freezes & BSOD

edited July 2008 in Hardware
Thank you for looking!

This all started about 2 weeks ago. Maybe its a coincidence but this was around the same few days i first installed Service Pack 3 for Windows XP Home. Here is some sys info first.

Basically the main problem is that i can't reinstall Windows XP Home or Linux. I started getting random reboots and BSODs from windows so i formatted and tried to reinstall Windows but now it keeps giving me BSOD whenever its about to install setup files. I tried installing Linux Gentoo DVD LIVE and Gentoo Min also. And in this case I get random freezing or when i am about to make a recommended Partition it freezes on me and the keyboard lights begin flashing which I hear is linux's own error message method. So that's the issue in a nutshell.

AMD 64 3400+
512M RAM
512M RAM
80 GB Hard Drive Seagate Baracuda
Windows XP
K8N Delux Asus Motherboard
Floppy Drive
Nvidia 6800 GT 258M

Tested RAM with MemTest: No Errors after 4 passes
Tried Seagate Tools to run a long scan found no errors.
Tried Seagate Tools to run Zero Fill format.
Tried to Format C: and reinstall Windows XP. I am getting a BSOD just before i get to the install setup screen for windows XP. So i can't even install Windows XP.

BSOD: PFN_LIST_CORRUPT, IRQ not equal or less errors, Page Fault errors and also a few other errors went by so fast i could only remember a few words "Mem Dump" "Check to see if you have adequate disk space"

I've tried virus scanners when i can haven't seemed to find any thing maybe its just hiding in the bios?

My computer doesn't lock up or freeze in BIOs or DOS.

I've tried to install Linux DVD LIVE some times it freezes. When it doesn't freeze i get as far as the partition screen and when i click select recommended layout for the partition it freezes on me. I've tried this in the Gentoo Min Install command prompt also. I get a long list of error messages from that too. I can post them. I just wanna get my computer working again it feels like this nightmare started when i installed service pack 3 about 2 weeks ago...
The thing is i formatted the computer a dozen times using my Windows Home XP CD so it should have erased any trace of service pack 3.
I tried CHKDSK /r and CHKDSK /p from the Windows Recovery Console with no positive results.
I even tried other file systems, FAT 32, EXT2 & EXT3 (for Gentoo)
I tried CD Operating systems even... something called NimbleX for the CD drive. That freezed on me after 10 minutes of use also.

If your willing to give me your opinion please I'd love to hear it?

Maybe replace the RAM? (But my Memtest said they were fine can that test not detect issues?)

Maybe replace Hard Drive? (I've formatted it tons of times its made me restart the computer tons of times maybe i damaged it?)

Maybe the CPU has been damaged? I live in a very hot environment I recently cleaned the dust from my CPU heat sink so the temps have been fine about a month before this problem started. However please let me know if these problems sound similar to a CPU heat damaged issue. (Again my Computer has been working just fine for about at least a month in between after I cleaned the dust and just recently with this freezing and not letting me install any OP situation)

Maybe my motherboard is damaged somehow? like from a hacker?

Maybe its something i haven't thought of?


  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited July 2008
    I think you've covered a lot of the bases for hardware issues. I'm not sure about this board, but I think you may have to pre-install a SATA or SATA/RAID driver for your motherboard before you can install Windows (or, apparently, whatever). This is done for Windows XP by making a floppy or CD you can install the driver from after you hit F6 when prompted as the Windows install CD begins to load. The motherboard user's manual (available on-line) should have directions for doing this.

    I've had similar issues with the A7N series, so this sounds hauntingly familiar.

    And welcome to Icrontic :)
  • edited July 2008
    Qeldroma Thank you for your response!

    I will attempt to install a alternative SATA driver.

    I tinkered around a little bit earlier, I tried Boot & Nuke but i got error messages about stacks, eip, call traces, tons of sector locations etc... and here's the weirdest thing of all I did a Seagate Tools Zero Fill it got as far as 18% then kicked me back out into the command prompt... I tried the program again got to 85% and then kicked me out again then again and I got to 100% but I noticed it didn't cover all the LBAs...

    Ok so then I did it yet again and this time i noticed that 1 LBA seems to disapar every time i do this prodidure... its as if the hard drive is slowly shrinking or more bad sectors are being created... maybe i'm misinterpreating all of this or not discribing it well enough....

    The Bottem line is its werid! lol

    I was gonna use this rig to edit a family movie for my Dads Birthday this 26th, bummer...

    I'm just about to order a hard drive after I try your advice Qeldroma gonna try to install a SATA driver in the system... I feel your on to somthing with that...

    To be honest I'm prepared to spend money to fix this problem i just wanna know what exactly to spend it on cause it'd suck really bad if it turned out that a new Hard Drive wasn't what i really needed... etc...
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited July 2008
    Well, I never did catch if your drive was SATA- sorry- Seagate makes both IDE and SATA flavors of this model. If it's IDE, then the SATA drivers won't make a difference. If you do have or get a SATA drive, be sure to use the drivers ASUS has for your motherboard- they should also be at the link I gave you above.

    We do have a published procedure for checking HDs. Give it a go- it's fairly quick, the price is right, and it may get to the bottom of it.
  • edited July 2008
    Ooooh man!!

    Ok so i ran that test and it said everything was just fine on my hard drive!

    I used the same test in the article even...

    Now i'm worried lol... when it was just the hard drive i was relived to just get a new one but now grrrrr... :bigggrin:

    could this still be a hard drive thing and this program just not detect its failing?

    oh and it is a SATA btw or ATA i think their the same crap am i wrong oh man i better double back check brb lol
  • edited July 2008

    I just totally unplugged the Hard Drive and then tried a DVD OP ( and it froze on me once i got in the desktop for Nimblex.

    I've ruled out PSU... Antec NeoPower 650W
    I've ruled out CD & DVD drives... Tried using my external drive just in case
    I've ruled out virus... tried this with out the hard drive
    I've ruled out CPU temps... its at 43 C

    Now that this problem still happens even after i unplug the hard drive i guess does that mean its the RAM?

    Or could it still be the Hard Drive some how???

    I did try using only 1 stick of RAM but its still happening... either both are OK and its something else or both are damaged.
    My RAM are Duel Channel btw if that helps...

    Any insights most appreciated?
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited July 2008
    I would of guessed motherboard after you tested the ram. you could try and install xp on that drive in another computer just to be sure... if it works try again on that motherboard but just for kicks switch cd drives.

  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited July 2008
    Tex wrote:
    I would of guessed motherboard ...

    Yeah. You might try replacing the system battery. Be sure to pull out the plug and allow the motherboard to discharge + reset.
  • edited July 2008
    ok so i take out the little silver battery from the motherboard then put in a new one or put the old one back in to at least to a kind of reset with the motherboard?

    and i turn off the PSU on the back first before taking the little batery out is that what you mean?

    I'm asking this so meticulously cause i heard that if you do this wrong u could damage the motherboard or bios? or maybe i misheard that...

    also does this sound more and more like a fubar situation with a (think about a new computer or salvage parts problem?)
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited July 2008
    Depends on the make and model of the motherboard. Check the manual. You should pull the power plug when you remove the battery with just about any board, but many also require that you remove or set a jumper to help discharge the board. If so, you'll need to know which one for how long, etc.

    Understand that this is a possible solution. Your mobo is a little old, so it's a decent shot in the dark. However, if it doesn't work, others may have some good ideas (Tex's suggestion of testing out other components like the opticals is a good one), but I might be thinking of a replacement if we run out.

    The good news of that is that I'd have to go back quite a few years to remember when the PC market was this exciting for the money- but let's see first.
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