Secondary Drive 0 and 1 Not Found

edited July 2008 in Hardware
During my present trojan infection (also getting help on this forum for that issue) troubleshooting I mistakingly partially flashed the firmware on this HL GCE-B CD Drive. Now it, and the Lite-On DVD Drive are not visible in Bios or working.

Dell 8250
P 2.4 Hz
1 gig of RD Ram
There is a 120 gig Hard drive with both WinXP Pro SP 2
and Ubuntu Studio in a duel boot configuration. This first drive has a few partitions.
There is also a 320 gig backup drive with 2 partitions.

I am able to boot into XP pretty easily. There is one screen up front before the grub menu that states that the Secondary 0 and 1 drives couldn't be found. These are the CD and DVD. I am unable to boot into Ubuntu probably due to the CD issue as the boot order was set to CD first which I changed to C.

I can potentially do without the CD drive as long as I have the DVD drive operating.

Both CD and DVD drives were set to cable select. After the problem I tried setting the DVD to Master which did allow it to work for a short while without being visible in Bios. After a re-boot it stopped working. In device manager there are two Generic DVD drives listed.

Any advice?


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited July 2008
    Have you tried setting the dvd drive to master and removing the cd drive?
  • edited July 2008
    I will try that. Is it necessary to unplug the power cables to the cd or will the data cables only do? I ask because I did exactly that...only without changing the jumper. I'll try it.
  • edited July 2008
    It does seem as though your suggestion gives me my DVD drive back...thanks. I'll check to see if it is visible in BIOS now. Also, there are still 2 other mystery DVD drives listed in device manager. Can I get rid of these listings?
  • edited July 2008
    DVD is now listed in

    I changed boot order so that the DVD is #1 as the CD was before I fried it. As predicted I was then able to boot into Ubuntu....very cool.

    There have been some problems.

    Upon booting back into XP I still get 2 beeps then a black Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A04 screen.

    It says the secondary hard disk 1 is not found and gives the F1 ad F2 options to continue or enter BIOS Setup. This secondary hard disk 1 used to be the DVD position as the DVD is now in secondary 0, the former home of the CD drive.

    Is there a way to eliminate this BIOS screen before booting?

    Also...on one particular re-boot I got that same screen only without the option to hit F1 or F2. I tried CTR-ALT-Del which only cycled back to the same screen. The only option was a power switch shut down and re-start...after which the BIOS screen did offer the F1 and F2 options. A bit dodgy.

    Any suggestions for further stability other than whiskey?
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited July 2008
    First, and this applies to any drive. If you remove either the power or the data ribbon that drive is no longer connected because either it's not getting power, so your computer won't see it or there is no data being sent so your computer won't see it. However in order to save power it's best to disconnect both cables.

    Second. Go into your bios and make sure that you don't have any devices listed in there that aren't actually there. Then boot into windows and remove the mysterious drives from your device manager.

    Now there is one other complication if you've installed ubuntu and are dual-booting through GRUB, then you may have to reconfigure GRUB because it may have some of your devices listed in the wrong order since it doesn't dynamically understand any drive changes.
  • edited July 2008
    Thanks for the reply.

    1) I did totally remove the CD drive...thanks.

    2) Since there were no mystery drives in BIOS I uninstalled the 2 random generic drives in Device Mgr...seems to have done the trick.

    3) Are you saying that the reason I still get the black BIOS screen before the GRUB menu is because of the GRUB? Can you please clarify? If so, how do I repair that or is that a question for another forum?
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited July 2008
    fuzzy68 wrote:
    Thanks for the reply.

    1) I did totally remove the CD drive...thanks.

    2) Since there were no mystery drives in BIOS I uninstalled the 2 random generic drives in Device Mgr...seems to have done the trick.

    3) Are you saying that the reason I still get the black BIOS screen before the GRUB menu is because of the GRUB? Can you please clarify? If so, how do I repair that or is that a question for another forum?

    If you are dual booting linux/windows off the same harddrive then it's a very good change it's grub that is causing the issue. Grub will have a list of devices so it knows how to boot the various OS's. If your devices have moved around it'll take a bit for grub to realize they are no longer there and that could explain any weird screens before grub pops up.

    As for how to fix GRUB, the only way I know how is to manually edit the grub file. There may be a better way though that someone else knows of.

    Here's a pretty good explination of what to do
  • edited July 2008

    Thanks for your help and the link.

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