Twitter pokes holes in the dam to lighten their load

primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
edited July 2008 in Science & Tech
Last month we had talked about the scaling issues and load problems that Twitter is experiencing. And experiencing them they are - just last night Twitter was down for over an hour. One of the reasons Twitter has so much load is that third party applications (such as Twhirl) have to use Twitter just like the rest of us - make a request, wait for the servers to deal with it, and then do something with the response.

TechCrunch revealed that in order to alleviate some of those issues, Twitter today opened up their "XMPP firehose" - the raw data feed of all regular Twitter data. Third parties can now access this feed, filter out what they're looking for, and present the information to their applications. This should relieve some of the pressure on the Twitter service.
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