Visual Basic Question

RichDRichD Essex, UK
edited July 2008 in Internet & Media
Hi There,

Im sure this is a dead easy question but here goes.

I have a form called F_Order and a subform called F_ClientSub

There is a one to one link through a combo box so that when you chose the client name the address etc displays in the sub form. The linking works fine apart from when you change the client name in the combo box the subform does not update. You have to change the record and then when you change the record back it refreshes the form and the info appears correct.

I can get around this by writing a macro to move on and move back a record but this seems like a backward way to do things. I have tried playing around with the requery function in VB and asigning it to the combo box on the after update event but I am not sure what I should be requerying.

Can anyone help?

I am a complete VB novice so please be gentle...

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