Beginning overclocker seeking advice

edited July 2009 in Hardware
lewicron wrote:
I've never overclocked anything in my life, but having heard good things about the OC-ing potential of the Sempron 3000+, i've decided to have a go. I intend to build a new rig later this year, so I'm not terribly worried about the long term effects on my processor's lifespan (I realise this may illicit frowns of disdain from serious overclockers, but I can take it), which is good because I only have the stock cooling fan and heatsink from AMD. Anyway, I've had a look at the short-media overclocking guide for A64 754/939 (which is excellent, cheers short-media), but I'm having problems when testing the max processor clock speed. I started by limiting my memory to 133Mhz, and increasing the ref, clock from 200Mhz to 215Mhz. I tested this for 15 mins on Prime 95 and got the all-clear, so continued to increase the ref. clock to 220Mhz - OK. When I set it up to 225Mhz and reduced the HTT to 600Mhz, however, the sum'bitch wouldn't make it past the windows loading screen :scratch:. If anyone can suggest any reason why I'm having problems, or anything I could do differently, I will be eternally in their debt. Would there be any advantage, for instance, in reducing the multiplier to 8x and trying even larger increases in ref. clock frequency?

Here's my setup:
AMD sempron 64 3000+ on ASrock K8upgrade VM800 (Chipset: VIA ID0204 rev. 00, BIOS: American Megatrends Inc., revision P160)
1GB DRR400 PC3200 (2x512MB)
80GB Hitachi 7200rpm ATA HDD (operating systems - xp pro SP2 and xp 64)
160GB Seagate Barricuda 7200rpm SATA HDD (storage)
Hope that's not too much or too little information, please let me know if there's anything important that I've left out.
Thanks in advance for any help - remember: every time you help out a newbie Jesus gives birth to an angel... er... ;)

Hi all....
Im new here,and i have a problem ofcourse...
I have a AMD Sempron 2500+..
768Mb ram...2 sticks at 400Mhz and 1 stick at 333Mhz...
I have tried to OC that crappy PC but when i go over 1.8Ghz then it wont just boot up...
It stops where it says "detecting IDE drives" and it just freezes there...:sad2:
And my mobo is Abit KV7....
Maybe i should renew my BIOS??
But i dont actually know how it works :bigggrin:
I have a stock cooling but shouldnt be the problem here becuz when i look at my Pc health status it says 45C...
So thats ok...
And im really desperate...
I have heard that ppl get at least 2.2Ghz out of that CPU...
So it made me a little jelous:D(Sry for my bad english,im from Estonia tho;))
So if some1 knows what could probably be the problem here,any help will be greatly apreciated.


  • ThraxThrax ๐ŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2008
    I have moved your post to its own thread so people will see it. Good luck. :)
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited August 2008
    You are using a budget processor, so 45C is a BIT warm, since it's only 5C from "Cool it down Now." I'd just go buy a better processor 20 bucks.
  • edited August 2008
    Well,I dony know alot about CPUs...
    Is there any CPU wich is socket AM2 and can be OCยดed to 3.0Ghz?
    With stock cooling...
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited August 2008
    Uh, Why not just buy a 3ghz chip... Or get a dual core...This Powers K1 and the KLAN network. One hell of a nice chip.

    Time for a lesson!!! Clockspeed vs efficiency.

    Okay, we all love fast processors. I am a big fan of the ARM/RISC library of processor libraries which operate today's most advanced AMD processors. A long time ago, back in 2002, Intel thought that having super-clocked processors (upwards of 3.6ghz) made theirs better. AMD shut them down by running 1/3rd the speed, and performed within 10% of Intel's benchmarks, and often had higher real-world performance. This was the Athlon XP. This little .13 micron processor not only beat out Intel in performance, it did so in a lower thermal design package and consumed less energy. It was because of the cache design. The cache design is what made the processor superior.

    Your sempron is designed to do budget work at a budget speed. Cheap parts for cheap companies or users who do not need more than web-surfing. I bought my dad a Sempron-based PC, and he loves it...For surfing the internet. That's all he uses it for so it's perfect.

    So in short, more mhz doesn't make more better. Super high clockspeeds require inordinate amounts of cooling and consume power hand over fist. Overclocking is stupid as crap anyway. It voids your warranty, and can potentially kill the entire system. Why risk an upwards of 800 dollars for 10% performance? Dumb move if you really think about it.
  • ThraxThrax ๐ŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2008
    YAD, stop spreading misinformation.

    Henry, overclocking is not dangerous as long as you buy the proper parts that you know will be prepared to take the abuse of overclocking. It's a bit like going up a ladder: Sure, in theory all sorts of bad things could happen to you if you climbed that ladder, but if you bought the right ladder, set it up correctly and climbed it correctly, very little could happen to ruin your day.

    Unfortunately, Henry, I have to tell you that your hardware is not ideal for what you're looking to do. The KV7 board you've got is not a very good overclocker. :( If you're interested in upgrading your PC to pick up some speed, we could definitely help you with that, but there's not much we could do with what you've got right now. I'm sorry.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited August 2008
    Misinformation? Uh...Overclocking is dangerous because you run the hardware out of spec. Hardware, just like mining equipment will break down when run out of spec.

    Where's your logic? Just because you've successfully overclocked stuff before doesn't mean you are 100% repeatable with anything. He wants to overclock THAT PROCESSOR. Not your Core2.
  • ThraxThrax ๐ŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2008
    I read his post. I know what he's attempting to do, and advised him accordingly.

    I also read your post, understood what you were implying, and called your bluff. I'm not going to sit here and get into a debate with you over the relative merits and faults of overclocking. Suffice it to say: The right parts and knowledge will yield results every single time. Clearly all is not equal, so the same board/person/chip/parts will not get the same results as another, but they will get results all the same.

    The possibility of danger does not imply the guarantee of failure, nor does it even remotely suggest that it will happen. There are things we do on our PC, and indeed our life, every single damn day that have risk attached. Doesn't mean it's going to happen.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited August 2008
    Where was I bluffing thrax...That doesn't even make sense...
  • edited August 2008
    YAD, Thrax was saying that you don't know what the hell you are talking about and I concur with that assessment too. Most of the computer hardware we overclock with isn't running at it's maximum potential and we take advantage of that fact by pushing the hardware a little closer to it's limits. The manufacturers have to do this to account for manufacturing tolerances and is the reason why not all processors or ram or motherboards can be pushed to the same overclock. If you don't have the skills or you think it's a waste of time then that's all well and good, but don't come into the overclocking forum here and start talking crap.

    Henrytilk, Thrax is right on the money about your present hardware. It isn't very overclockable, especially the motherboard unfortunately. You can probably be able to get a slight overclock out of it, but don't expect to see much. :(
  • edited August 2008
    Hei guys,calm down a little bit,:D
    Well i already understood that its no good OCer mobo...
    At stock it was 1.77Ghz..And i got 1.8Ghz out of it,And that was the limit :)
    Well i think im gonna try to buy something more powerful and more overclockable ;)
    Thank you all for your help and time...
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited August 2008
    Be sure to check out Icrontic's Marketplace to find the lowest possible price on what you want to purchase. Also, stick around IC - we value people like you, who are learning to become experts :)
  • edited August 2008
    Be sure to check out Icrontic's Marketplace to find the lowest possible price on what you want to purchase. Also, stick around IC - we value people like you, who are learning to become experts :)

    Oh thank you primesuspect :)
    Well Im working on,,so hold on ;)
  • djmonstadjmonsta London, UK Member
    edited July 2009
    If you get a socket 775 cpu try the arctic freezer pro 7... great value for money
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    Year-old thread. You've gotta start looking at dates, mang.
  • Nate_LapTNate_LapT Ferndale MI. Icrontian
    edited July 2009
    I was gonna comment that sempron is what 5 years old, its time to retire it anyways :P
  • djmonstadjmonsta London, UK Member
    edited July 2009
    yeah i kinda realised that after posting :confused2
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