Attacked by Theives >:D!

edited August 2008 in Gaming
I was laying down when my bestest friend vigilantsleeper called me to tell me I was being bombed on by one of the Theives members (who has at least 6 villages RIGHT near me :<)

Here's how things worked out!

First he went for my almost dead village that i killed all my troops in my stupid 'fake attack'

Then for the main village!

(sorry lamboom ><;)

Then come the take overs!


With careful planning with my good friend I was able to destroy 2, TWO Cheifs!!!

Sorry i was really thrilled when i killed them, now i can sleep safe at night. But if you can assist within 30 minutes of this post, he's sending one last blow to my dear Yug Yugville!

We must take down these theifs!! They've been on us too long!


The last blow he sent me


  • edited August 2008
    i have shown st jimmy / angel of death and wall of steel that my village aint worth taking

    i used over 150 in gold destroying it from within

    that will teach them to try and bully the way to the top

    no brickworks/foundry/sawmill/bakery/flourmill/warehouse also reduced granary and barracks to nil

    oh the luxury of free gold (i thank travian for that free 600 i got)

    and with 5 senators he still failed to take it reducing the loyalty to 4% also i recalled every praet stored at my capital and sent out what i had at -20/20resulting in a -3768 wheat production ph so he will starve his own troops aswell.

  • edited August 2008
    as above also reduced to nil the rally point and the stables plus

    heros mansion level 2
    embassy level 1
    armoury level 17
    blacksmith 15
    academy 11
    no wall

    so unlike us brits estranged village got the ashes :):):):)
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