help with Win XP Stop errors
New to the forums, hopefully can find help for an annoying problem, reformatted due to driver problems and just a retardedly slow computer due to clutter from several years from a reinstall, so did a wipe a week ago and got onto sp3 now, fully updated, no problems to report until 2 days when i began by having a BSOD related to my sound card driver (creative x-fi gamer, and no, i didn't write down the stop code for that). Figured it was due to heat (hot day, hot room, untended computer = roasted) and shut it off, booted fine a bit later and went in and updated my sound drivers and then had been going good. Got home today to another BSOD on a cool day in a cool room, error is: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with the stop code of: 0X0000000A (0XC0020B78, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0X8051190C) I've read the Microsoft KB page in relation to this and saw what that related to, that it was a general hardware, driver problem... also saw it was a read error in the pagefile, not write (third param) question is, how can i decode the first and last 0x with actual information in them, I've looked and cannot find a way to do it so that i can find *what* is causing the problems vs that there *is* a problem and here's no way to fix it. Computer specs follow.
AMD Phenom X3
4GB Ram
160GB Sata
2x CD/DVD IDE drives
Creative X-FI
ATI Radeon X1600
Thanks in advance.
AMD Phenom X3
4GB Ram
160GB Sata
2x CD/DVD IDE drives
Creative X-FI
ATI Radeon X1600
Thanks in advance.