Network is up...but my Laptop cant connect to the INet

budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
edited September 2008 in Science & Tech
I know that the Network is up because i can see and exchange files from my Desktop (DT) to the Laptop (LT). I just cant access the internet from teh LT.



  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited August 2008
    I'll assume the desktop can get to the internet. If so make sure that the laptop is using the same gateway and dns settings that the dt is using. If they are both going through a router and you aren't doing any mac filtering on the router then you should be fine.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited September 2008
    assumption correct....

    But bother are on auto as far as Gateways and DNS....going to reset router and and see if that works....maybe just a fluke or something...

    Mac filtering? reason to reset....forgot about my is surfing fine on it is definitely the Kryyst...YAD if your out there....know u got some experience here...anyone else ....

    Let work through this....

  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited September 2008

    I started thinking...and wanted to get into the router software....well...i cant rember the dang PW...doesnt make sense...but that is another topic...

    Anyway...I was going to have to hard reset (paper clip thing) the router and loose all my before I did all that...I thought I would cycle the router...

    BAM....LT works after a soft reset (just unplug)....

    Thx for the attempt Kryyst...
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited September 2008
    Yeah - power cycle should always be the first thing you do for any type of hardware.
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