Twitter on a PC

I use Twitteriffic on my Mac, and I love it. However, I was thinking I need a twitter client for my PC. So,
What PC client does Icrontic recommend/use the most?
Also, for Twitteriffic users, how do you reply to posts through the client? I've tried adding @*user* before a post, but it never goes through. Any ideas?
What PC client does Icrontic recommend/use the most?
Also, for Twitteriffic users, how do you reply to posts through the client? I've tried adding @*user* before a post, but it never goes through. Any ideas?
Thrax, they've release three patches since you last tried it. There were 2 within two days last week. I'm issue-free.
//edit: way to look at my own site. What a nub I am.