I am almost to the Space Stage on Dinotopia with my race of intelligent T-Rex's. I am enjoying the creator alot. I created Tanklyosaurus and am working on my Terrordactyl aircraft now. I am looking forward to roaming space with my T-Rex's.
I just got to the space stage. So far I give the game a big "meh" but I do love my walking shark with moose antlers. We'll see if the space stage changes my thoughts on the game.
Just got to the tribal stage last night. The cell and creature stages have both been incredibly fun and I'm hoping the rest will be atleast half as fun.
It is a damn good game, I'm in space stage now and I'm just trying to build up enough allies to get more ships and weapons then im gonna be a warmonger!!
The lack of an auto save has killed my interest in this game. I have lost an entire planets existence to the lack of an auto save and a buggy game that crashes.
I basically have a $50 rental of some animal, building, and vehicle builders now.
The lack of an auto save has killed my interest in this game. I have lost an entire planets existence to the lack of an auto save and a buggy game that crashes.
While an autosave would defintely be nice I have not seen any of the bugs and crashes that you mention. I'm sorry these issues have caused your dismal view of this game.
The game has a horrible save interface anyway. You get 1 save per planet! No seperate saves are allowed. No autosave. No way to check when your last save was done. I really expected more.
The game has a horrible save interface anyway. You get 1 save per planet! No seperate saves are allowed. No autosave. No way to check when your last save was done. I really expected more.
1 save per planet? Never noticed that, just assumed you could save as long as u were in the star system at least.. Guess I don't save enough!!
The game has a horrible save interface anyway. You get 1 save per planet! No seperate saves are allowed. No autosave. No way to check when your last save was done. I really expected more.
I've experienced a few crashes in the space phase and they usually happen when you're taking over a planet with either a bunch of allies in your posse, or an ally "bribed" to attack a planet.
...They release a patch today that makes space alot less strainuous when looking for your colonys.
Oh, and a word of advice, dont war the grox unless you're ready to take over 100+ systems BEFORE you reach the center of the universe...*sighs*
The only crash I've had so far is in the space stage. Happens when leaving my home planet. I did some searching and found that all those little decorations in your cities are randomly generated continuously. So when there get to be too many of them and you leave the planet the game tries to save details about the planet and can't handle the overload. So far the solution is to remove the decorations, leave the planet, return to the planet, remove decorations. (They stack on top of each other so when one layer is removed the next pops up when the planet reloads.) Repeat this like 4 times. I would expect a patch before too long but then I remember EA hates games and their customers. Aside from that and my planet being attacked almost constantly I love it.
Get another city ASAP and start raking in the money with it. Make HUGE DOLLARS. Make sure it's an artsy, happy, economic city. Then let your original city get overrun (you did make that an economic city too, right?). Buy your old city back with the funds of your new city! Continue to produce gobs of money. Then, buy another city and make that a war capital. As soon as possible, have that turn out naval vessels, as they have a ridiculous range and can annihilate most coastal cities. Continue to buy out everyone susceptible to you, and demolish the rest. Eventually you'll make so much money you can just buy out the world with the click of a button. You'll be into the space phase in about two hours.
I once had this bug on the space stage where whenever i died it did the video but the tower thing was like in the air. I reappear nowhere and the game just freezes.
I basically have a $50 rental of some animal, building, and vehicle builders now.
While an autosave would defintely be nice I have not seen any of the bugs and crashes that you mention. I'm sorry these issues have caused your dismal view of this game.
1 save per planet? Never noticed that, just assumed you could save as long as u were in the star system at least.. Guess I don't save enough!!
That's pretty lame. Puts concept above gameplay.
...They release a patch today that makes space alot less strainuous when looking for your colonys.
Oh, and a word of advice, dont war the grox unless you're ready to take over 100+ systems BEFORE you reach the center of the universe...*sighs*
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Feel free to add me as a buddy if you so choose
Very nice!
Get another city ASAP and start raking in the money with it. Make HUGE DOLLARS. Make sure it's an artsy, happy, economic city. Then let your original city get overrun (you did make that an economic city too, right?). Buy your old city back with the funds of your new city! Continue to produce gobs of money. Then, buy another city and make that a war capital. As soon as possible, have that turn out naval vessels, as they have a ridiculous range and can annihilate most coastal cities. Continue to buy out everyone susceptible to you, and demolish the rest. Eventually you'll make so much money you can just buy out the world with the click of a button. You'll be into the space phase in about two hours.
Great game though