
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited December 2003
    If you see a good guide that is not included on the list, PM myself or the forum moderator to have it added. Thanks to all our contributors!

    Guides written by: Josh-, Simguy, a2jfreak, and Mr. Kwitko
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    Programming Guides

    General Keebler recommends:
    The Visual Quickstart and Quickpro Series
    Topics include C++, PHP, HTML, SQL, JavaScript, and almost any language you can think of. I recommend the series because the Quickstart books offer a simple, easy & fun to read introduction for those who have never used the language or are new to the language. The Quickpro books are a comprehensive guide to the languages that will quickly make you an advanced coder. I particularly like the split-column layout - text in one column, graphic examples in the other. It makes plodding through a tech book less tedious.
  • edited July 2006
    Programming Books
    • Oreilly Books Books for all levels, and all languages. One of the best authors in my opinion. I use the books as reference. And those "Learn programming in 20 days" are not helpful unless you just want to cram the bare minimum of a language. They dont teach you much and will probably hurt you in the long run.
    • "For Dummies" Books Books for Beginner/Intermediate levels, most languages. Great for Beginners, easy to understand. The author provides a comedy approach to learning a language. I find some of the quizzes and jokes a bit annoying at times. But very good for the average end-user.

    Also watch out for Sources, because some are poorly written to do a certain function or task. Just because they know how to program doesn't mean they are doing it correctly. And reading bad coding, leads to bad coding. So take heed, the internet is a great innovation, and may contain great sources; but it contains more poorly coded sources.
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