G:/ is not accessible. The file or Directory is Corrupted and Unreadable. Halp!?
Hello boys and girls, I have a problem with my external Gateway drive. When I try to access it, I get the error:
G:/ is not accessible.
The file or Directory is Corrupted and Unreadable.
I have tried:
Right click > properties > tools > error checking > check now
Start > run > chkdsk/g
Start > run > chkdsk g:/f
When I try any of the above, the window simply disappears and nothing happens.
It is possible a virus is causing the problem, as I ran a scan on it a while back and discovered one, but it said it had been contained. Has it caused more trouble than I think?
I have tried to run a scan on it for malware, but the scan is just over in one second and it says scan is complete, one item scanned.
Please help!
G:/ is not accessible.
The file or Directory is Corrupted and Unreadable.

I have tried:
Right click > properties > tools > error checking > check now
Start > run > chkdsk/g
Start > run > chkdsk g:/f
When I try any of the above, the window simply disappears and nothing happens.

It is possible a virus is causing the problem, as I ran a scan on it a while back and discovered one, but it said it had been contained. Has it caused more trouble than I think?
I have tried to run a scan on it for malware, but the scan is just over in one second and it says scan is complete, one item scanned.
Please help!
chkdsk G: /R
Failing that:
I downloaded that utility, and went through everything. Happily, all the info is still there, as I got the green line. Magic!
Unfortunately, when I hit P to list files, I got Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged. Boo. :shakehead
I got funny messages telling me something about heads per cylinder is 255
but it should be 16, so I changed that to 16, and 240, but it didn't like that so I changed it back to 255.
I'm at a loss. Should I just take it to a PC doc and see what they say, or any more brilliant ideas? I would be so grateful
Repair the MFT and the MBR if they're broken with testdisk.
Thanks alot mate, i just read ur info and i have some seriously sentimental pics and videos on my recently failed harddrive
im currently running chkdsk on the git, thru a friends portable usb thingy
fingers crossed its on stage 4 now
thanks for a glimpse of hope haha
Ok, like you said I got Boot Sector and Backup Boot Sector both OK.
But boo again, MFT and MFT mirror are bad. Failed to repair them.
I wish I was having as much luck as you Otto, great to hear you are seeing the light. This is my backup archive hard drive, hundreds of hours of my writing is on there, years of photos etc etc. :sad2:
I have faith though! The files are still there, that's good, right? :rolleyes2
Boo, not a good morning. :bawling:
Thanks so much anyway Thrax, you rock!
To be sure, I would use my article here to test the drive after recovering info to see if it's worth using still.
just wanted to say thank you i tried your solution for corupted hdd using chkdsk G: /R and i was able to recover all my files your top dawg here homie
Testdisk helped a lot. I got my files back. Many many thanks!
:bigggrin: I did the chkdsk x: /r and all data reappeared in less than a minute. Thanks for saving me and my data!
I am at stage 4 - and my failed 1Tb external drive is barely a year old and I use it once a month or so... nonetheless I will be getting a second drive and have a back up of the back up. The content (photos) are far more valuable than the price of the disk drive itself... It is frustrating that these things fail. I also had a SD card fail, so lost those photos... but maybe I'll search for SD recovery next.
Thanks Thrax, I'll post an update later after Stage 5 is done to report on success.
Update: Stage 4 took about an hour, Stage 5 took longer, but everything seems to be back. Thanks a billion, probably saved myself a hundred bucks from taking it to a shop.
Well currently I'm at stage 3 when suddenly the whole process disappeared just like that... i am wondering what had happened. I checked on the drive and still it says unreadable and corrupted. I started back the whole process and after a moment when it starts entering stage 2..it disappeared again??? I was like thinkin what actually happened. am now about to start over again... Shall I or how??
Brilliant. I just recovered 106 files from a corrupt memory card with Testdisk Thanks for the tip
I have been a Computer Repair Tech for about 8 years now and I have never seen this issue on ANY computer drive and to confirm my issue, I spoke to a close friend who is also a repair tech in my local area and he too said he has never in 15 years ever seen or heard of this issue and was curious to look it up.
Here is/was my issue:
Recently, my personal 300GB EIDE in a USB External Case, using it as an External Backup for all my data, had mysteriously stopped responding. One minute it was working fine and the next, nothing...
The drive always tested in good health by CrystalDiskInfo and HDDScan S.M.A.R.T. tests... No errors, no unusual sounds like whirs, clicks, scraps, humming from motor, nothing... No firmware or physical issues... nothing.
Now, the drive also shows CRC and Temperature Errors (yet this could have been due to a bad or bumped external cable).
1) Right click and Properties had shown 0 Used space, 0 Free space, and 0 Capacity.
2) chkdsk /x /r would not run and was saying that it was an undetermined file system or structure and could not be accessed. No chkdsk commands would work or run.
3) The drive could be seen in explorer but could not be accessed, saying "The file or directory is corrupt and unreadable".
4) Hiren's Boot CD MiniWindows showed the drive but again, same message.
5) LinuxLiveCD - same issues.
6) I found forum threads suggesting TestDisk so I performed several of the test functions and at one point it said the boot and boot mirror were OK but the CHS was not matching... I think it was the amount of logical heads that was wrong - can't remember now - but...
7) MFT and MFT mirror did not match
8) I attempted to reset the CHS to all possible combinations and nothing worked.
9) Now the drive was not being recognized.
10) The MBR and MFT and File Structure could not be fixed by TestDisk or any other means.
11) I could tell that all of the data was intact and present but just could not be seen by Windows or any other means but TestDisk was showing the size of the data present was nearly 262GB (which was roughly what was on the disk).
12) 5 hours in, I decided to run Data Recovery using 2 different Data location and recovery programs.
13) Finally, EaseUS Data Recovery located and read 262GB data and after 25 hours total, I was able to recover 98% of all data, intact and with correct file names.
14) After recovering the data to a new external, I wiped the 300GB drive and used partition programs to rebuild the partition.
15) Once recognized in Windows, I used Windows built in partitioning processes and did a FULL format instead of a quick.
16) I can again use the drive as an external with no issues.
Tested in CrystalDiskInfo and HDDScan S.M.A.R.T. tests shows Good Health again.
The CRC and Temperature Errors are gone.
No unusual sounds, no firmware or physical problems... nothing and the drive is working fine again!
Conclusion... My suggestion to anyone with this issue is to go ahead and run TestDisk to see what the issues could be but go ahead and find a good Data Recovery Program and run it... recover your data to another drive and attempt to recondition the old one.
Because of the sheer size of the drive, it took 18 hours running the Recovery program... the rest of the time was Hands On checking and trial and error.
The methods of Data Recovery, File Transfer, wipe, and reformat finally worked for me.
Thanks for your time.
and it couldn't see my hard drive?