The next round of UKX starts on Friday the 26th of September at 5 in the morning. Pre-registration is scheduled to be open at some point on Wednesday the 24th.
I am playing and i know of a few others who are as well. If anyone is interested in playing this round please put your name down here so we have an idea of numbers.
Rock on IC
P.S. Keebler i remember you mentioning coming back in the Fall.
I am playing and i know of a few others who are as well. If anyone is interested in playing this round please put your name down here so we have an idea of numbers.

P.S. Keebler i remember you mentioning coming back in the Fall.
Planning to be offensive, simmer
I can go by the old name if it helps. (You all know which one)
If so, I would recommend against it, no offence to you guys but without any of the strong leaders (TB, Q, SV, Keebler) then it will not be run as it should be, and effectively be just a ghost of the past which isn't good for the name.
I quite the fancy the idea of an {IC} account! Get all the "maybe" players to dual on one mass-raiding-Teuton account...
We could each set up feeder accounts to begin with (probably Gauls), cranny them up and ship resources to the main account, then ditch the individual accounts in favour of dualling the {IC} one! Would take some careful communication etc, but no reason {IC} couldn't be a top 30 (or 10
I've still no time, but it'd be good to keep the {IC} team together!
Do a St. Jimmy / Promicin and go out with a bang before the End Game !
Anyone else fancy it?
Teutons can take at least a server of practice to become awesome, without the need of lucky placement.
And your plan looks like it should be used VERY carefully, as it could cross the line of multi.
And I think that the most a 'Dual' could really have is 3 people - as long as they communicate VERY effectively, and they'd all have to be equal talents, and play styles, otherwise the account could be the greatest disaster since President Truman decided to launch a bombing raid on Japan.
Then again, so was communism
For those of you that dont know, there are a number of ARRSE people started the new server (admittedly not their leadership) and they have a Skype chat where any IC people would be welcome - if you want adding to it, please let me know and I will get you in there. (Tom is already in there).
Good luck to those starting out again
I also endorse joining the ARRSE guys who return this time around as IC numbers will undoubtedly be lower this time around. Consolidating will only make your run stronger under a unified banner. Better to have a strong ARRSE-IC amalgamated alliance then an IC wing of potentially 25 or fewer members. This is just a recommendation of course and in no way an order.
Good luck to you guys who signed back on for this next server.
100%?? Damn, you had to go 1 better!! :P
Nice to see you, boss, dont you go spending too much time (or working too hard) in the "real life" thing
I still have skype so I'll be popping back on sometime soon to talk with you guys.
Will, hopefully, be around more in Skype later this week
... who has gone and started playing? :P
LOL! Typical.
Not playing this round, but am hoping to play next.
Be good those that are playing now, don't let Mum down
//EDIT: Im trying to get a U3 application for my USB so I can get onto travian at school anon without being tracked/traced
Farmed, insulted, targeted and pretty much raped- arrorangt assholes mouthing off from a seat of power while they have it.
there is the IC dual account. get involved! going well we have 150 mace
EDIT: Not that I know what that feels like -_-
think of it as sitting. me and lambo will do all the big decisions and you come along and mess about on it every now and again.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. for me?
you playing next round?
what about you have my gaul account and i go permenant with the IC account?