Power of crowdsourcing? Grand Rapids has a huge pillowfight.
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Let me start this by saying that had I known this was going down, I may have made an attempt to get over there to get involved. At any rate, some dude on Facebook invited his 100 friends to meet him downtown for a pillow fight. Well, due to the power of Facebook, the thing blossomed into something more significant than 100 people..
Anybody for an Icrontic pillowfight? o.O... Continue reading
Anybody for an Icrontic pillowfight? o.O... Continue reading
Whatever you call it, it's awesome.
And as a precursor we can do the West Side story gang fight/sing/chant wherein everyone in Michigan comes running out of their homes to join in the fray.