Good Programs to access my computer at home From school?

Well, you see the computers at my school suck, but we got a t3 line there... so i dont wanna use there computers i wanna be able to just go to a computer at school open Internet explorer and be able to access my computer, Does anyone know of a Program that does this? me and seversphere were talking about some but i forgot what he called it... it was along time ago, so does anyone know of any Acess your computer from anywhere software that i can install on my computer and just use internet explorer to acess my comp at home?
help will be greatly appreciated
help will be greatly appreciated

I've heard decent things about Microsoft's latest implementation of Remote Desktop Protocol. I have no experience with it, however.
There's always PC Anywhere, but it's a commercial product and thus costs $$$.
Does your home computer have broadband? What's your upstream from home?
Here's a link to a tutorial on how to tunnel VNC thru SSH:
It's a bit complicated, and usually involves installing a cygwin shell (unix emulator/posix shell for windows) on your home computer, but I can tell you 100% surely that the method works - we deploy openssh/realVNC servers to most of our remote administration clients, as well as use it internally at our company.
man this gets me frustrated when i dont know how to do something...
*looks around*
*feels dumb*
thanks guys but i still have 1 question. i dont get this, this part is confusing when it talks about my host and 5802
"Using a Web Browser as a Viewer
The VNC servers also contain a small Web server. If you connect to it with a web browser, the Java version of the viewer will be downloaded automatically, allowing you to access the remote desktop. Obviously, your Web browser must support Java applets. Also, you should not use a proxy, to let the Java applet access the remote server directly.
The server listens for HTTP connections on port 5800 + display number. (Remember a WinVNC machine defaults to the display 0.) So to connect to the display 2 on machine "myhost", you would point your web browser at: http://myhost:5802/ . The applet will prompt you for your password, and should then display the desktop."
can someone help me out?
We know that, but how is he going to hover the mouse over the icon on his home PC when he is at School? :rolleyes2
All you have to do is put a password in your TightVNC configuration and click ok. Then when you want to connect from another computer http://ipaddress:5800
its as easy as that...and it should take you to your computer login. The whole session thing means you can run multiple TightVNC sessions if a bunch of people want to log into one box!
what is that? how may i go about in fixing this problem?
[Edit] Radeon Man has the solution for testing it
BTW, VNC is definitely the way to go.
i really appreciate your help!
Afaik, they are both exactly the same. They both look the same and they both do exactly the same thing.
TightVNC uses authentication and tunnels, typically IPV6 if the boxes on both ends can IPV6 tunnel through IPV4 or directly box to box. I can IPV6 to Canada on broadband, my box to friend's box.
But, I thought Jengo was talking about using the School's internet pipe from home and also gettign to files from his computer.... The second will be limited to the pipe he has at home, and also the first. He is using his internet pipe to get both ways, so throughput will be limited by throughput of slowest pipe. Access, yes, but at slowest pipe end rate maximum. The school will not like this either, probably, and probably will block it one of many ways(router, firewall, etc.) or simply treat it as hacking unless Jengo can explain what he is doing in detail.