Unlocking and Ocing my 1600xp so weird
Hello all, Good to see so many names I've known for a long time from Icrontic here.
On to my 1600xp. I just bough a A7n8x from a good bud of mine that should be at my house in a day or 2 yay! So I got a little excited and decided to unlock my cpu.
Got me some crazy clue and the pincil I used to unlock my old duron and athlons back in the day when 1ghz ment something. Filled it, made my lines, and relized Holy crap I don't have any thermal grease:banghead:
Started thinking and just scraped the little bit of thermal grease that was on the side of the core with my exacto knife and use that.
Installed it and turned it on. right at the boot screen it reported my 1600xp as a 1800xp! Went as far as i coud go on this mobo and ended up with a 2100xp.
****But for some reason now my 1600xp is locked at 12x multiplyer*** SO durring the day times when it gets warm in my house the system gets too hot and crashes. The only thing I can do is bring my fsb down to 100.***
**** the other problem I'm having is when I go into my bios to change the multiplyer and reboot it just hangs. I turn off my psu restart and the mulitpler is again all the way up***
Any ideas what could be causing this? Since I'll be installing my new mobo in a day or so I'm going to try to redo the bridges but I'm wondering why it's locked at 12x.
On to my 1600xp. I just bough a A7n8x from a good bud of mine that should be at my house in a day or 2 yay! So I got a little excited and decided to unlock my cpu.
Got me some crazy clue and the pincil I used to unlock my old duron and athlons back in the day when 1ghz ment something. Filled it, made my lines, and relized Holy crap I don't have any thermal grease:banghead:
Started thinking and just scraped the little bit of thermal grease that was on the side of the core with my exacto knife and use that.
Installed it and turned it on. right at the boot screen it reported my 1600xp as a 1800xp! Went as far as i coud go on this mobo and ended up with a 2100xp.
****But for some reason now my 1600xp is locked at 12x multiplyer*** SO durring the day times when it gets warm in my house the system gets too hot and crashes. The only thing I can do is bring my fsb down to 100.***
**** the other problem I'm having is when I go into my bios to change the multiplyer and reboot it just hangs. I turn off my psu restart and the mulitpler is again all the way up***
Any ideas what could be causing this? Since I'll be installing my new mobo in a day or so I'm going to try to redo the bridges but I'm wondering why it's locked at 12x.
SVC has a bunch of Arctic Silver products with free shipping. I just bought a tube of Ceramique for $4 shipped to me...
It's possible Gargoyle but I remeber running my duron for ever a year with no problems. It didn't have pits though. When I do the mobo change out i'm going to try the pincil one more time if it's a no go then I'll look for the defogger kit for when I change HSF to the silent boost.
BTW I made a mistake on my 1st post it's stuck at 12.5 mutiplyer. Good thing is she will do 1837 rock solid at night when the room is cool. Temps are high as hell. 63-65c under load 57-60c idle. I'm hoping to get 2ghz out of this thing with good cooling and the new mobo and a succesful unlocking lol. Oh and some thremal compound hehe...
Heres the steping if anyone can tell me if it's any good
I'm running 6.5x216= 1404mghz
I'll post back tonight if I get it going