NEW Folding@Home clients released - v4.00 Final

edited December 2003 in Science & Tech
A new bunch of client versions have been released for use with the popular Folding@Home distributed computing project run by Stanford University. v4.00 Final of the client is available for Windows, Linux and Mac based operating systems and comes as either a graphical client or as a text based console. To get more information on Folding, please follow the links below to learn more. Remember, we've got a great team here at Short-Media, so if you think you might want to start folding, then just follow the links below and we'll be able to answer any questions you might have.

[blockquote]Folding@Home is a distributed computing project which studies protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and related diseases. We use novel computational methods and large scale distributed computing, to simulate timescales thousands to millions of times longer than previously achieved. This has allowed us to simulate folding for the first time, and to now direct our approach to examine folding related disease.[/blockquote]

Info: [link=]Forum thread discussing this release version[/link]
Info: [link=]All you ever wanted to know about Folding@Home[/link]
Download latest cleints from: [link=]Short-Media[/link] or [link=]Standford[/link]
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