I just saw this in the user profiles and I was wondering what it is...
BlackHawkBible music connoisseurThere's no place like
edited December 2003
Main Entry: re·fer
Pronunciation: ri-'f&r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): re·ferred; re·fer·ring
Etymology: Middle English referren, from Latin referre to bring back, report, refer, from re- + ferre to carry -- more at BEAR
Date: 14th century
a : to send or direct for treatment, aid, information, or decision <refer a patient to a specialist> <refer a bill back to a committee>
Basically when you tell somebody else about the forums, the sign up and they put your name in the registration saying that you told them about this place.
That's what I thought it was, but then I figured it must be something else, because I didn't know they could put your name in, so I didn't know it could be automated in any way.
Pronunciation: ri-'f&r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): re·ferred; re·fer·ring
Etymology: Middle English referren, from Latin referre to bring back, report, refer, from re- + ferre to carry -- more at BEAR
Date: 14th century
a : to send or direct for treatment, aid, information, or decision <refer a patient to a specialist> <refer a bill back to a committee>
Basically when you tell somebody else about the forums, the sign up and they put your name in the registration saying that you told them about this place.
It just clicked the other day to me what it meant too...
Thanks guys.