Thinking about going water!

I been thinking about it for a while and I think I wanna do it! NOTE: I want a decent WC for cpu block only right now and It needs to be cheap as possible.
Any Ideas guys??
Any Ideas guys??
Expensive is a very relative term so you can decide which block you want.
What other parts have you bought?
I would like to stay around $100 - 150
That's a nice 1/2 kit if you choose the White Water block. GREAT radiator (a few friends here have it and i want it as well), GREAT pump and the rest seems to contain all you need. Easy to upgrade as well.
Was looking at this for a starter but i need a rad that will work with it any ideas or is that a no??
//edit// do you have any reviews on that senfu watercooler II? To me it's like a piece of garbage
I'm sure the pump that's included with it isn't exactly quality either. I dunno, I wouldn't trust that kit with my system.
Senfu uses an impossible size of it's fittings which you can't just go to the hardware shop and buy. Normal fittings like 3/8 or 1/2 is what you should choose on a watercooling setup. I can guarantee you will need some sort of acessories from time to time. That senfu isn't any better than a good aircooling setup either. Haven't seen any reviews lately though. I would stay away.
Just over a hundred is a great price for this kind of quality.
You can easy make your own from 1mm alu-sheets if you are a little handy. I suggest a good 120mm fan such as panaflo or even better a Papst. Remember, it's the fans that make the noise so therefore, choosing a good fan or 2 can make a real difference.
Yes, but you might need a little more powerful pump if that's what you want.
would this pump be enuf?
The radiator is from their special deals section. Can be small scratches on the rad but who cares?
Btw Mackanz wouldn't a chevette heatercore be a better call for the $$$?
Generally, the bigger the better with watercooling. That's in regards to the radiator which takes up the most space.
Its short-coming is the poor ventilation in the front due to the arched plastic bands on the bezel. If one were to be a case-modder, this could be overcome...But since most people aren't, most buy new cases with watercooling in mind, or they choose to run the radiator outside of the system which has better temperatures.
The chieftec would fit it all inside the case, though... With your system too.