WoW Gamers @ Icrontic
California Icrontian
Well since Prime has jumped in to give WoW a true try I wanted to see how many of us are still playing WoW or have gotten back into the game since the recent patch on Tuesday. I should also mention with the new exp coming I have noticed a ton more people playing again...
So the point of this thread is to see what our community has mustered up in regards to a WoW character and what server your playing on.
My Specs:
Dwarf: Prot Pally
Name: Ownhammer
Server: WildHammer
So the point of this thread is to see what our community has mustered up in regards to a WoW character and what server your playing on.
My Specs:
Dwarf: Prot Pally
Name: Ownhammer
Server: WildHammer
Class: Resto/Boomkin Druid (whichever spec hes using this week)
Name: Kaptar
Server: Firetree
Name: Solann
Server: Uldaman
Retiring when WoTLK is released because it's a crappy expansion.
Names: Tanthe, Rorieson, Santhe
Servers: Medivh, Dragonblight
I am no longer playing though, mainly due to cost cutting messures; love the game, but I need to save money where I can.
70 Prot Warrior (and best tps producer evar)
65?-maybe Warlock
Meshelle <- totally gone to sh*t
61 (lol) Rogue
Since the 3.0.2 patch, my server has been up and down for a few days, but it'll get straightened out soon.
My 57 Human Paladin is leveling Inscription, so my 42 Human Mage is out gathering herbs.
And since my 42 Mage is going into good herb areas like Arathi and Wetlands, I brought my 70 Dwarf Hunter to those areas also to attack any horde who may gank my 42 Mage to get the herbs.
Herbs are suddenly in very high demand! And they will be for some time.
What kind of character is Prime starting with? Alliance, I hope!
Strength in honor!
Names: Nebelwerfer
October 13th was my 2 year anniversary of WoW gaming.
Go to YouTube and type in "Onyxia Animation". It's a funny flash video of a raid gone wrong. The terminology is a bit advanced for a WoW noob, but it'll give you ideas!
Also type in "Trippy Brew", "Grumm", and "The Herb Shop", which is a Monty Python sketch of "The Cheese Shop" remade for WoW. Those are more animated videos made by one guy with his Orc Warrior character.
I have 9 Alliance characters, but I do also have an 18 Undead Rogue, because I wanted to go into Horde cities and see places that couldn't be done with Alliance characters. Because of the release of Inscription, he went from having 55 gold to 115 gold overnight, just from Mining and Herbalism.
Used to be that I couldn't GIVE Silverleaf away, then I got 15 gold for each of 4 stacks of 20, and those were LOWER prices than anyone else had on auction house at the time!
NE Rogue
Level 70 Orc Warlock
Level 'soon to be' 70 (68) Blood Elf
Don't get to raid much these days with my priest which is why I've managed to level 2 additional toons by doing quests for an hour each night.
Been playing for almost 3 years... never gamed until my son told me to create a character in the hopes that I'd understand why he "needed just a bit longer to finish this quest and not leave his group hanging."
His level 70 undead warrior is also on my account now but I never play it... he's moved onto playing on/creating private servers.
Name: David - lvl 22
Server: California
When you get a quest, go there, enter the zone you got the quest in, type in its name, and you can find easy tips, and most importantly, the coordinates for where to go in the zone to get it done fast. So instead of wasting time running all over looking for something, you can go straight to where you need to go and get it done FAST.
A coords mod like Titan Bar will show you where you are in each zone. If a quest in the list says the people you need are at location 30,30 , then that's your X and Y coords - 30% in from the left edge of your screen, 30% down from the top.
And some quests can be done alongside others while you're in an area to do some other quests. That happens a lot.
Probably the worst area in the game for quests that I've seen is Duskwood. The town of Darkshire is at the eastern edge of the zone, and a lot of the quests will have you running back and forth across the zone to the cemetery in the upper western area, and you can't get one quest until you finish the previous one, so you're going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth!
My little trick is that when I'm in Darkshire and I get a quest that'll take me to the western edge of the zone, I hop on a gryphon and fly to Sentinel Hill in Westfall, and run in from there. It's a lot faster to do that than to run back and forth across the zone. When I leveled my 35 Human Rogue through Darkshire quests I think I only ran across the zone 2-3 times total.
Once you get your mount at level 30 things will improve.
And for making money early in the game, go with Mining. Now that Inscription has come out, Herbalism is also in high demand.
Ret pally