Will be folding again as long as turn in WUs.
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
and I igured I would test the new sig generator, see what the result is-- white would not let me show team and individual stats well, so played with color specs only. Let's see how it looks....
General Keebler, this is decent color wise, but any way to move the first stat set and second stat left about .1 inch??? And leave the third stat set alone as far as position???
The overall team standards overlap onto the blue of Genome, the first stat set overlaps onto the left side of the big graphic, adn I do not want to break the stats segment margins so bad the server cannot handle the groups....
EDIT:/ csimon told me how to trash my own posts, thank you, so no need to trash most of thread anymore.... And Enverex told me how to avoid some of the headaches I got, what I wanted to leave was a lesson in contrasts, in part, but ALL the sigs changed....
also ...how are your eyes? are you still planning surgery?
just an FYI!
One advantage of a forum setup where one can delete one's own posts is that this thread would be Three posts long instead of 7.... :shrug:
Thank heavens computers can fold without eyes and monitors on them.....
I'm really happy for you John I hope this works out for you!