Epson Stylus COLOR 850... no black.

godzilla525godzilla525 Western Pennsylvania Member
edited December 2003 in Hardware
A few days ago I wanted to print out some op-amp datasheets, and I wanted a good printout so I ran a nozzle check to see if any of the jets were clogged... sure enough, about 30% of the black jets wen't shooting any ink (typical Epson).

So I did a nozzle clean on the black, then another nozzle check to see if things were any better. This time none of them were working at all. :banghead:

I knew I wasn't out of ink since I just changed the cartridge about a month ago (I usually get at least 6 months out of a cartridge).

So yesterday I partially dismantled the unit enough to get a mirror, flashlight, and Q-tips under there and cleaned all the crud off the jets manually.

Put it back together and did a test print... still no black. :eek3: Performed another auto nozzle clean... and I noticed fresh black ink on the foam inside the collector cup... :eek2:

It's not clogged, it's not out of ink... it's just not firing. :sawed:

Today I pulled the logic board, cleaned it off, and reseated all the connectors... still no black... :bawling:

Option 1: Just chalk it up as a loss and throw it in the closet...hard to do since it was originally a $250+ unit that was built the *right* way...

Option 2: Take it some placed to get it fixed and get reamed by the repair bill.

Option 3: Fix it myself...hard to do since it would be next to impossible to get the parts (you know how office equipment companies are)... of course it also helps to know exactly which part went bad to begin with :crazy:


  • godzilla525godzilla525 Western Pennsylvania Member
    edited December 2003
    I forgot to mention... the jets don't actually fire when cleaning takes place. They seal against the collector cup and a vacuum pump is used to pull the ink through.
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited December 2003
    I'm on my second Epson, A 925. I always print something at least once a week. I believe if you don't the ink dries in the print head (thank you central heating) and it's a new one that costs almost as much as a new printer. Have you contacted Epson? Their customer support is excellent but I don't know of any way to clean the head out.
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