Typing Unicode Characters in Excel

phuschnickensphuschnickens Beverly Hills, Michigan Member
edited November 2008 in Science & Tech
Stupid question...

How do i successfully type a unicode character in excel/indesign. I need to be able to type it in excel, save it as a csv file, then copy and paste it (essentially) into indesign and possibly type more of the characters directly into indesign. Alt+2113 is the char i'm working with, and Arial and Times Bold Condensed are the fonts I'm working with. Indesign CS2, Excel 2003, Windows XP SP3.

I try typing the characters and they just show up as a capital A.

I know I can manually insert special characters from charmap, glyps from indesign, and excel has a similar thing... that won't cut it, unfortunately, but let me know if that's the only solution.

Please help. Thanks.

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