Ok, St. Patrick's Day falls on a Tuesday next year. So I'm putting up a poll to vote on which weekend we should have it. If you can attend either weekend please vote for both. kthx.
Heh, no, the problem is that I'm student teaching next semester, and my lovely college has yet to inform me where that will be taking place. My spring break will be whenever the school I student teach at has a break, so.
Heh, no, the problem is that I'm student teaching next semester, and my lovely college has yet to inform me where that will be taking place. My spring break will be whenever the school I student teach at has a break, so.
Oh, well now I just look silly. You and your damn reasons.
Oh, well now I just look silly. You and your damn reasons.
Oh, I'm sorry, let me try that again.
BUT ANNE, the book of Nostradamus says that the celebration of spring in the week of celebration will be interrupted by the The Feeble Kept One, who will strike down the night and his Imbecile Queen, who will rise from the snow bedecked in finery and the pelt of the wolf!! CLEARLY, there's no way I can predict when my spring break will be!!!
So, as far as I know my spring break will be the week of March 23rd, which doesn't line up with ICSP the way I'd like, but that might not end up being my placement...they placed me with a teacher who teaches science and social studies, and I'm an English major, so I think they're going to change it.
(for 19-22)
Jackie, c'mon, (almost) all colleges post their academic calendars for the year ahead. No excuse for you not to know.
I didn't know what UI campus you went to, so here:
UI Urbana-Champaign
UI Chicago
UI Springfield
Heh, no, the problem is that I'm student teaching next semester, and my lovely college has yet to inform me where that will be taking place. My spring break will be whenever the school I student teach at has a break, so.
Oh, well now I just look silly. You and your damn reasons.
That's a good question.
BUT ANNE, the book of Nostradamus says that the celebration of spring in the week of celebration will be interrupted by the The Feeble Kept One, who will strike down the night and his Imbecile Queen, who will rise from the snow bedecked in finery and the pelt of the wolf!! CLEARLY, there's no way I can predict when my spring break will be!!!
It's k...she's just on drugs.
*hugs GQ while she shivers off her high*
Poll will be open for awhile GHoosdum. Unless there is a specific reason you need to know nao?
So, like um...vote if you haven't
Vote if you haven't.