Recovering from being Sick

NomadNomad A Small Piece of Hell Icrontian
edited November 2008 in Fitness
This post is meant to be informative about how to get back on track after being sick.

About a month ago I lost a week of training to a cold, two weeks from that date I competed in my first powerlifting meet. The Tuesday after that meet, I drove myself to the emergency room in tachycardia with a fever of 104 degrees. Needless to say, the recovery out of this hole has been much longer.

From that Tuesday to Friday, I ate almost nothing for lack of appetite and purely drank water. Until yesterday, I've basically not eaten enough, and what I have eaten has been crap essentially. I've lost a week and six days of training.

So, come Monday, I'm getting back on the horse. I'm finally beginning to feel better. This will be a difficult process because I have two and a half weeks until Thanksgiving, then two weeks after that I'm leaving for Europe where I'll lose about two and a half weeks of training again. Needless to say, I rarely miss this much time.

- Drink a great deal more water
- Eat more protein (I live in a co-op with 50 people, meat is in short supply)
- Keep lifts and diet consistent through the next two months
- Improve my Kegel exercise reps

I'll post some basic progress starting Monday.


  • LawnMMLawnMM Colorado
    edited November 2008
    They figure out what the illness was? Glad you're feelin' better dude. Jeez.
  • NomadNomad A Small Piece of Hell Icrontian
    edited November 2008
    LawnMM wrote:
    They figure out what the illness was? Glad you're feelin' better dude. Jeez.

    They still don't know, they believe it is a viral infection.

    Today was my first day back, it was shoulders.

    Three sets for five reps at 65%, 75%, and 85% of my maxes.

    Seated Shoulder Press: 95x5 105x5 120x5
    Standing Military Press: 115x5 135x5 150x5
    Lateral raises: 20x10 for three sets
    Chin-Ups: BW+25x6 for two sets

    Did some light abdominal and arm assistance. Feel pretty good, now strength lost. This is a repeat day of my last workout before I got sick. My eating has been a lot better since this weekend.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited November 2008
    How are the "other" exercises going?
  • NomadNomad A Small Piece of Hell Icrontian
    edited November 2008
    Okay, so my diet is much, much better right now. I'm still experiencing severe DOMS (lasting up to three days), but as I progress more it should go away. The strength didn't manage to stick with my squats, and I need to sit down and tool with my deadlift form more. I think widening my stance a bit more will help.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2008
    Right there with you, on this. After a week or so of pains, aches and funky eating, I'm getting back into the swing of things. Hoping to jumpstart my muscle gains again, as I'm stuck at about 182 lbs. GO GO FOOD.
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