um.. what just happened? no boot, no repair, no recovery console
Beverly Hills, Michigan Member
Computer was infected this afternoon. I fixed it (at least no symptoms and clean scans). Then, i noticed i wasn't able to go into safe mode but was still able to boot normally. Next I couldn't boot normally at all and the computer gets stuck in a boot loop. Now I have no repair install option and recovery console doesn't load... i just get dumped at a black screen (if I try off the disk... of my rec. cons. partition i get restarted). I feel like crying. Am i about to backup and do a fresh install?
XP SP3 was infected with ??? not really sure but trojan.dnschanger and perhaps zlob too... you can see my hijackthis log here if that helps you figure out what the infection was (if even necessary).
i'm feeling pretty needy today but if anyone can help, as usual, i'd appreciate it.
thank you
XP SP3 was infected with ??? not really sure but trojan.dnschanger and perhaps zlob too... you can see my hijackthis log here if that helps you figure out what the infection was (if even necessary).
i'm feeling pretty needy today but if anyone can help, as usual, i'd appreciate it.
thank you
this is why i try to only work 8 hours days... i'm not very "efficient" after 8 hours
Yeah, thanks for the nudge... I'd rather be lazy and not do it until completely necessary, but when it's completely necessary, I probably won't have time. I know I won't be able to find a lot of the programs that I have currently installed... another lesson... backup, backup, backup
prime: what av program are you currently using... not still avg free, right?
Thanks for the answer.