Hard drive shorted out?

DoctorGeo2008DoctorGeo2008 Flint, MI
edited November 2008 in Hardware
I have a WD 500 gb hard drive that is only a year old. I bought this drive to use as a main network storage for my household computers. Well, the other day the drive just stopped. No warning, no nothing. At first I thought it was the external enclosure but now I know it's not. I added the drive to my desktop and the computer wouldn't turn on. I thought that was weird and double checked everything. Nope, no power. I unplugged the power from the drive without unplugging the data cable and the computer booted right up. I tried this on two other computers and the same thing. So, I'm quite sure this is an electrical problem and there is no way for me to access the data. :( And guess what... my back up system that I was using stopped working about 2 months ago!! Of course I didn't know that until this drive stopped!! Anyway, I've been checking on data recovery and it isn't cheap!! Can anyone offer up some ideas? No need to recommend a new back up system, I'm already aware. ;)



  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2008
    I think you've capably identified the issue. :( Given your description of the circumstances, the only hope you have is to purchase the same model on ebay so you can transplant the circuit board as a last-ditch effort.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited November 2008
    Yeah, what Thrax said x2. I actually had that happen to me once and, quite luckily, I had an identical drive. Swapping the circuit boards worked perfectly.
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