Typing messages in TF2?

How do you type text messages in TF2? I see text coming up on the screen in the corner, but never knew how to type it myself. What key do you hit to get the typing started?
Those are the defaults.. unless you change your key mappings.
Any second now...
That said the only two times that typing is acceptable:
1: You can not use voice because family member is trying to sleep in the same room and you randomly yelling "Heavy!" at 2am will result in you sleeping on the couch.
2: The admins have all talk on and you have something you REALLY only want to tell your team.
If neither of the above come into play, use voice. If you do not have a mic, get up and go get one, then play.
This touch of sarcasm brought to you by:
don't knock it 'till you've tried that's what I say:D