Thermalright SLK-9xxU again.
Now I am on the verge of ordering this copper monster.
Should I choose the 900U or the 947U?
The 900U is on sale for £30.7/$54/€43.7
The 947U costs £36.35/$64/51.74
I have read a couple of reviews, the two coolers are quite equal in terms of cooling.
But are there any differences in the mounting method or anything else?
Should I wait for the Thermalriht SP97 instead?
Should I choose the 900U or the 947U?
The 900U is on sale for £30.7/$54/€43.7
The 947U costs £36.35/$64/51.74
I have read a couple of reviews, the two coolers are quite equal in terms of cooling.
But are there any differences in the mounting method or anything else?
Should I wait for the Thermalriht SP97 instead?
But that is my opinion. Myself, will be getting a 900U for my P4 about the time I move to next P4 board generation. The 900A really rocks!
One thing is to note that real fine fin spacing results in accumulation of dust real quick, and the 900A's spacing is about right. get dust in fins, the metal is insulated from airflow, poor airflow results and the metal holds more heat. So, hyperfine spacing of real thin fins will give more surface area, but narrower spaces allow for less air flow, and you get to a point where too little airflow through fins ends up resulting in less cooling per square inch of metal radiating area even without dust in between fins. The 900 has a good balance.
Dust will not be a great issue.
I have a filter mounted on my intake fan, and I have blocked a lot of holes taking in false air.
I think I will order the SLK-900U then.
I think the SP97 will be quite expensive over here, when it is introduced.
The SP94 costs $83 at present.
I suspect the SP97 to be introduced at a similar price.
I am a bit worried about the price of the SP97.
It would be quite similar to the SP94 price I think.
The 900U should fit my NF7-S.
Dunno whether or not there is enough room to mount a passive Zalman NB cooler though?
It is on their list of compatible motherboards.
I will say something about their mount though. I just bought a SLK800U and I found that their mounting system is harder to install than the mounts for the Swifty's or the Alpha 8045, but that X-member across the back of the board makes for a more secure mount that better distributes the hs weight across the mobo better. This would be important on a rig that is moved around a lot with all that heatsink weight hanging on the mobo.
If you dont want to wait for the SP97, go for the 947u.
I am almost certain that I will buy a SLK-900U.
I am not moving my computer a lot, but I would like the added safety.
I wouldn't like a 500 gr. HS tumbling around in my case.
Unfortunately I have to buy it myself.
I didn't get one for christmas.
EDIT: I have found a review of SP97
The price is approx. £44/$79/€63.
The price of the 900U and 947U are the same.
900U £30.7/$54/€43.7
947U £36.35/$64/51.74
I have read a couple of reviews of the 900U and the 947U.
According to the reviews the two HS are equal to eachother.
The difference being one or two degress centigrade.
It seems that the price of the SP97 is a bit too steep for my budget.
The 947U is available in a shop close to my location.
This way I will not be paying for shipping.
It is a bit more expensive than the price above.
But the saved shipping makes up for it.
Does the 947U need customized stand offs?
I think I read that the 900U needed those on the NF7-S 2.0.
The 947 is a better fit on most boards since it was designed to be more compatabile with more boards. I have a feeling that it will be replacing the 900.
Well this simple question; How did you guys mount you slk 900 on mthe nf7-s?
I´ve got the standard standofs, and I bought the coller for about a half year ago. (I had the ep-8rda3+, until it started to burn (I did´nt find a better way to spell that, I´m norwegian
So, sombody that can help me here?
Are you sure you have the correct standoffs? Oh, and welcome to SM!
The "U" stands for Universal John. If a Athlon mobo has the 4 Holes, it should fit just fine.
Thank you for the replys guys!